basketball shoe中文什么意思

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  1. Sell classical basketball shoes in aaa quality
  2. For example : basketball shoes , full athletic shoes , track shoes , and so on name brand movement leisure shoes
  3. In this approach , a scholar interested in the athletic shoe industry , for example , would begin with rubber tapping in malaysia or indonesia and not end until he or she has adequately explained how and why poor african american youths in u . s . ghettoes buy so many pairs of expensive michael jordan model basketball shoes
  4. So there seems little hope for calvin to realize his dream . then , calvin receives a pair of basketball shoes that are said to possibly have belonged to the world - famous basketball star michael jordan when he was a child , and inside the shoes are the initials " m . j . " signed by the original owner . by coincidence , the shoes are exactly calvin s size as if they have been especially custom - made for him
    在一个偶然的机缘下,凯文得到一双据说有可能是世界著名篮球明星麦可乔丹michael jordan小时候穿过的球鞋,鞋子里还保留著鞋子主人名字缩写m . j .的签字,巧合的是,这双鞋的大小与凯文的脚完全相合,好像特别为他订做的一样。


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  6. basketball shoes 什么意思
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